Kelimutu is a volcano, close to the town of Moni in central Flores Island of Indonesia containing three summit crater lakes of varying colors. Tiwu Ata Mbupu (Lake of Old People) is usually blue and is the westernmost of the three lakes. The other two lakes, Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai (Lake of Young Men and Maidens) and Tiwu Ata Polo (Bewitched or Enchanted Lake) are separated by a shared crater wall and are typically green or red in color, respectively. The lake colors do vary on a periodic basis. Subaqueous fumaroles are the probable cause of active upwelling that occurs at the two eastern lakes.
The lake have been a source of minor phreatic eruptions in historical time. The summit of the compound 1639-m-high Kelimutu volcano is elongated two km in a WNW-ESE direction; the older cones of Kelido and Kelibara are located respectively three km to the north and two km to the south. The scenic lakes are a popular tourist destination. Keli Mutu is also of interest to geologists because the three lakes are different colors yet reside at the crest of the same volcano
Changes that could have been caused by mineral content, the influence of biota type moss and rocks in the crater. For local people that the color change has its own meaning, NamaKelimutu is a combination word of “keli” meaning mountain and the word “quality” which means to boil. According to local belief, the colors on each lake Flores has its own meaning and has a very powerful natural forces.
Lake or Tiwu Flores in the top three sections corresponding to the color - the color that is in the lake. Blue lake or “Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai” is a gathering place for the souls of young people who have died. Lake of the red or “Tiwu Ata Polo” is a gathering place for the souls of the dead and as long as he lived always commit a crime / magick.
While the lake is white or “Tiwu Mbupu Ata” is a gathering place for the souls of parents who have died. The third area of the lake of about 1,051,000 square meters with a volume of 1292 million cubic meters of water. Boundary between the lake was a narrow stone walls prone to landslides. This wall is very steep with 70-degree angle. Lake wall height ranges from 50 to 150 meters. Flores is one of those tourist destination is very popular on the island of Flores, in addition to the Komodo dragon, the traditional village of Bena, and Marine Park Riung beautiful. Volcanic lake is considered magical and mysterious as the lake is the third color changing, over time. Earlier this lake is the color of red, white, and blue.
The lake have been a source of minor phreatic eruptions in historical time. The summit of the compound 1639-m-high Kelimutu volcano is elongated two km in a WNW-ESE direction; the older cones of Kelido and Kelibara are located respectively three km to the north and two km to the south. The scenic lakes are a popular tourist destination. Keli Mutu is also of interest to geologists because the three lakes are different colors yet reside at the crest of the same volcano
Changes that could have been caused by mineral content, the influence of biota type moss and rocks in the crater. For local people that the color change has its own meaning, NamaKelimutu is a combination word of “keli” meaning mountain and the word “quality” which means to boil. According to local belief, the colors on each lake Flores has its own meaning and has a very powerful natural forces.
Lake or Tiwu Flores in the top three sections corresponding to the color - the color that is in the lake. Blue lake or “Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai” is a gathering place for the souls of young people who have died. Lake of the red or “Tiwu Ata Polo” is a gathering place for the souls of the dead and as long as he lived always commit a crime / magick.
While the lake is white or “Tiwu Mbupu Ata” is a gathering place for the souls of parents who have died. The third area of the lake of about 1,051,000 square meters with a volume of 1292 million cubic meters of water. Boundary between the lake was a narrow stone walls prone to landslides. This wall is very steep with 70-degree angle. Lake wall height ranges from 50 to 150 meters. Flores is one of those tourist destination is very popular on the island of Flores, in addition to the Komodo dragon, the traditional village of Bena, and Marine Park Riung beautiful. Volcanic lake is considered magical and mysterious as the lake is the third color changing, over time. Earlier this lake is the color of red, white, and blue.
Wallpapers Kelimutu Mountain Lake Lombok
Wallpapers Kelimutu Mountain Lake Lombok
Wallpapers Kelimutu Mountain Lake Lombok
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